Winter in this year is very, very cold.
台灣嘉義創下攝氏5.1度的低溫 而德國總部黑森省則降至攝氏零下22度
Taiwan breaks the past record with 5.1 degree, and German weather is down to minus 22 degree.
而景氣也跟著氣候一樣 超級無敵的冷
Economy is freezing like the weather we are facing.
但是 人心卻是不冷
But, people's hearts are not cold
沒有到最壞的時刻 那最好的時刻不會到來
Without the worst moment, the best time will not come.
冬天來了 春天不會太遠
Winter comes, spring is not far.
此時此刻 生存是積蓄能量和準備來日發展的考驗
Therefore, survival is a test of saving energy for now and preparing development in future
身為科技業得一員 從點到面的考量來看半導體工業 在不景氣下公司的經營必須以 人才的培養 科技的研發 財務的控管 三大方向上著眼才能達到永續經營的目的
For being a member working in semiconductor industry, in the down term, company has to take serious strategy/action in 3 ways, talent, technology, and finance.
Hopefully, company and we can pass this situation and be prosperous in 2009.